Tuesday, March 11, 2014


    I have always felt the desire to write our soldiers overseas.  They show so much dedication and work ethic and bravery, yet they rarely receive any feedback from the people they protect.  It is a sad day when we, as a nation, fail to support those who bear arms in our stead.  Be it the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Coast Guard, or Air Force, every single soldier deserves to be reminded why they are serving.  Why they put their lives on the line for a people with so little gratitude.  How can we ask them to fight for us, when we do so little in response?  How can we quarrel over petty things, when soldiers are dying daily?  When will we see that we are self-absorbed, childish and petty?  If we open our eyes the truth is plain to see; there are people who risk their lives, so that we may be free.  When did we forget this simple truth?  Why do we choose to ignore that our freedom comes at a high price?  Ask anyone who has ever served in any branch of the U.S. military, and they will tell you that the price is high indeed.  Many of them have seen their fellow brothers-in-arms fall.  May we never forget their sacrifices.  Write, or better yet send them packages, to show your support of them.   A good place to start would be, anysoldier.com.


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